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ISO 9001                     ISO 14001            TQM

OHSAS 18001            ISO 20000-1        TPM                     

ISO 22000                   ISO 27001            NABH        

ISO 50001                   IMS                         NABL

BS 25999                    NABET

Awareness Programs                Implementation Workshop

Internal Auditor Trainings          Lead Auditor Trainings

Process Improvement Tools    Performance Management

Business Communications       Customer Relationship Management

Audits are performed to ascertain the validity and reliability of information and provide an assessment of a system's internal control. It also expresses an opinion on the system based on work done on a test basis. Various audit procedures are performed primarily to assess the effectiveness of internal controls. The purpose of a quality audit is to assess or examine a product, the process used or the supporting System. A quality audit is also used to determine whether or not the subject of the audit is operating in compliance with laws and regulations, etc.

Auditors are the most important of the quality professionals. They must have the best and most thorough knowledge of business, systems, developments, etc. They see what works, what does not work, strengths, weaknesses of standards, codes, procedures and systems. Our auditors are trained specifically to focus on tightening and improving business processes to reduce the amount of risk of misreporting data. Our auditors work with the single-minded purpose of improving the business and hence do not bring individual likes and dislikes to job. Hence Audits conducted by our auditors identifies weaknesses in internal controls, lends credibility to statements and provides unbiased, expert recommendations

Types of Auditing Services:

Internal Audit : An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes. Internal auditing is a catalyst for improving an organization's effectiveness and efficiency by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses and assessments of data and business processes. With commitment to integrity and accountability, internal auditing provides value to the management as an objective source of independent advice.

2nd Party AuditAudit of another organizational quality program not under the direct control or within the organizational structure of the auditing organization. Second party audits are usually performed by the customer upon its suppliers ascertain whether or not the supplier can meet existing or proposed contractual requirements. Often the supplier quality system is a very important part of contractual requirements since it is directly and indirectly responsible for the design, production, control and continued supportability of the product. Although second party audits are usually conducted by customers on their suppliers, the customer contracts an independent quality auditor. This action helps to promote an image of fairness and objectivity on the part of the customer.

Our 2nd Party Audit service is designed to gather as much information as possible on the current practices, systems and controls and identify any weaknesses or problems in the management system.